Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Accepting the Bad Days

I've had a full week of really Great days in a row, which has been a milestone for me!  I've been afraid to even say it for fear of jinxing it.  Could it be the new combination of meds (Savella and Lyrica) the Dr. put me on?  I haven't used the word Great to describe a day in the last six months.  Any day with my pain level being below a 5 is a really great day.  So I have really been busy with past week enjoying life. The best part of which is the grandkids.  Craiger lives in California so I don't get to see him in person every day, but we ichat.  Isn't he just adorable?
He makes me laugh on the days I need a laugh.  He is so cute and he always smiles when he sees his mimi in the box (the computer).  And then there is the new baby Brinley, oh what joy it is to have her in our lives.

To see her big brother Korbyn be so soft and sweet with her.  He gives her soft kisses on the head and is gentle and sweet around her.  Such special moments

So when I wake up today and it is an extremely bad day, it's ok.  For those of you out there who have ups and downs, whatever your case may be, allow yourself the bad day.  Tomorrow will be better.  Life is still good and you will have those times that you can't control.  Allow yourself those times.  Special Moments are in your future, just waiting around the bend.

Friday, July 8, 2011

The Miracle of Life

Faith is something I Feel we are born into this world with.  Little children just automatically have faith that their parents are going to take care of them.  The sun will rise tomorrow morning, life will go on.  We have faith that things in life will turn out ok.  Most of us don't think our life will take the twists and turns that sometimes it does....  This is Brinley Anne Sorensen, my beautiful new granddaughter sleeping sweetly in her daddy's arms:
The morning began just as normal, the labor was normal, not even very painful for my sweet daughter-in-law.  We assumed it would just be a run-of-the-mill delivery.  Not to be. This sweet baby almost didn't make it into our family.  By the time she was delivered there were 15 doctors and nurses in the room, her daddy (my son) was repeatedly asking "is everything ok?" and getting no answer from anyone.  The difficulty didn't end in her finally getting here, once she was here, she was not breathing and no matter what they did, they couldn't get her to breathe.  It took an army, and tons of prayers and tears.  Finally the breath came.  She's ok and we are so grateful she is ours for this time on earth.  All while this was going on her Mimi (me) was sitting in the waiting room without a clue, which was probably a good thing.  I think I would have freaked out on a doctor not giving us any answers!
I think I hugged her little brother Korbyn a little too tightly and little too many times that night.  I was too "mushy" with him.  He didn't understand why.  He was happy his little sister finally came and that he got to have a sleepover at mimi and baba's house.  I was just so grateful for the precious moments I got to hold baby Brinley and realized that life is fleeting, we are only here on earth for a short time and we have to treasure each moment.  Every birth really is a Miracle, there is nothing "routine" about it!  Now I can relax and be excited about being a mimi again!  This pretty little girl looks a lot like her daddy did when he was a baby.  She was born with a head full of black hair just like he was, though his turned totally blond when he was a little boy.  We'll have to see what develops!